Ok, I admit it’s just me…but I have the best assistants ever.
The Angsty Writer
Fiction, non-fiction, limericks or rap, I love writing and always have! My first (published) book will be released Valentine’s Day 2023, realizing a lifetime dream!
The Actual Doctor
With over 20 years of experience as a Family Physician, my favorite way to spend time is in the exam room! (As a doctor, not a patient.)
The Healthcare Executive
A Certified Physical Executive, I have rich experience on the administrative side of healthcare from Community Health to Health System to Public Policy.
The Benevolent Dictator
One of my favorite psychiatrists I had the privilege to hire gave me this title! I love leading a team but I am often non-traditional in my style!
The Rap Doctor
Why not use old school rap to teach important clinical information to the masses? Rarely a day passes by without a rhyme happening in my head. The more stressed the more rhymes!
The Messy Advocate
As I have aged I have been able to mature my “bra burner” passion and hone the edges but I love a little well placed civil disobedience.
The Assistants
Meet my absolutely lovely assistants, Fred and Ivy(rescue pups who spend their days barking at wildlife), and my 9 chickens. They are the best assistants money can buy.